Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More on creating Accountability in LFD

I've been thinking more about this LFD issue. I know many players generally will outwardly say "get friends and shut up"...but that doesn't help focus on how to turn the LFD tool into something useful. There is a fantastic post over on wowinsider that talks about the history of heroics, especially when a great tank in tBC was well respected, and how different tanking was.

Back to how to solve the LFD issue, I really think that the community self-policing is what makes sense. Specifically, Solution 4 in the last post. It is a "Favored" system - the better people like you, the more likely you will get ahead in the queue. This should be tied to Account, not toon.

Some additional ideas include potentially showing if anyone in your guild, realid or friends list have "liked" a random player. Make it more likely that you are grouped with these people. Even make a ladder system which encourages players to want to be better liked.

Throw that damn carrot on a stick in front of them to push the right agenda - improve anonymous player behavior and bring some fun with it.

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